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Parent Support Advisor


Alumwell Nursery has a duty of care to all pupils and staff. We take this responsibility very seriously. Our safeguarding team meet every week to monitor/update on any pupils we are worried about.

The Safeguarding Team consists of:

  • Mrs Armela Patel (Head Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead)

  • Mr Ian Morris (Deputy Head Teacher, SENCO, and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

  • Ms Sheena Stewart-Warwick is our Parent Support Advisor and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. If you need any help or support, please contact her school mobile 07738546929. Alternatively, you can contact her at nursery on 01922 721 264. 

If a member of staff has any concerns regarding a pupil, they may raise them with any of the team.

Please see the Safeguarding section of the website for our Child Protection Policy.